#From SI 1/5 Discover the Super Offers, Products and Prices that are really worth it! Hurry before they run out!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀#From SI 2/5 Discover the Super Offers, Products and Prices that are really worth it! Hurry before they run out!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀#From SI 3/5 Discover the Super Offers, Products and Prices that are really worth it! Hurry before they run out!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀#From SI 4/5 Discover the Super Offers, Products and Prices that are really worth it! Hurry before they run out!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀#From SI 5/5 Discover the Super Offers, Products and Prices that are really worth it! Hurry before they run out!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


Website Terms, Policies and Conditions

Logo SI

Welcome to our SI Legal Center.

Here we consolidate all essential legal information to ensure a transparent and safe experience for you.

Be guided by our other Policies





Welcome to our e-commerce website. We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. This Cookies Policy explains how we use cookies and similar technologies to recognize you when you visit our website. It explains what these technologies are and why we use them, as well as your rights to control our use of them.


By using our website, you accept the use of cookies in accordance with this Cookies Policy. If you do not agree with the use of cookies in this way, you should adjust your browser settings to refuse cookies or not use our website. Disabling the cookies we use may impact your user experience when visiting our website.



This document is intended to establish some parameters for data processing that include, not exhaustively, the reception, transmission, sharing, storage, access, communication, modification or transfer of the information collected from our USERS, in addition to recording any and all activity carried out within the platform, in accordance with applicable legislation.


The USER gives his free and express agreement to this instrument by accepting this COOKIES POLICY and the PRIVACY POLICY..


This document was last modified on: 26/04/24



  • Cookies: These are text files created by the website and stored on the device that accesses the platform (notebooks, tablets, smartphones, etc.). When the “permission” condition is enabled, the storage of cookies will occur automatically. These small data packets aim to identify and collect the USER’s information to improve the services of our website.
  • Data: Set of anonymous (or anonymized) and personal information.
  • Anonymized Data: Isolated information that does not allow the identification of the USER. They include the collection of gender, location, age, etc.
  • Personal Data: Information of the natural person identified through the system.


Use of Cookies:

We use cookies to improve the user experience and the quality of our website. Some cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. Other cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use the site.


Control of Cookies:

Most browsers allow you to control cookies through the browser settings. However, if you limit the ability of websites to set cookies, this may worsen your overall user experience.


Changes to our Cookies Policy:

We may update our Cookies Policy from time to time. Therefore, we recommend that you review this policy regularly.


If you have more questions about this, please consult our Help and Support Center for more details and/or consult our Legal Center for more other policies.


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Welcome to our Terms of Use. Before you start using our services, it is important that you read and understand our Terms of Use. This document sets out the rules and conditions that govern the use of our services, including their obligations and responsibilities as a user.


By using our services, you agree to these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use our services.



These Terms of Use ("Terms") govern the use of our online retail platform ("Platform") by you, the user. By accessing and using our Platform, you agree to these Terms. Make sure you read them carefully.


This document was last modified on: 26/04/24



  • Platform: Our online retail website.
  • User: You, the customer who uses our Platform.
  • Seller: The intermediary who acts between suppliers and customers on the Platform.


User Responsibilities:

  • You must provide accurate information when registering on the Platform. Keep your access credentials secure and do not share them with third parties.
  • Proper Use: Use the Platform in accordance with applicable laws and do not violate the rights of third parties.
  • Communication: Stay up to date on the status of orders and respond promptly to Platform communications.


Seller Responsibilities:

  • Customer Service: The Seller is responsible for the entire customer service chain when available.
  • Reverse Logistics: In case of exchange or return of the product, the Seller must provide reverse logistics, if all the conditions of our Return Policy are met.


Payments and Prices:

  • Payment by the Customer: The Customer makes the payment to the Platform.
  • Receipt of Value: The Platform receives the value and sends the order to the Supplier.


Consumer rights:

  • Right of Repentance: The Customer has the right to return the product within 7 days of purchase if it meets the requirements described in our Return Policy.
  • Clear Information: The Platform will provide clear information about taxes, additional fees and possible delays due to customs clearance, among other information in our Return Policy.


General Provisions:

  • Applicable Law: These Terms are governed by the laws of the United States of America.
  • Jurisdiction: Any dispute relating to these Terms will be settled in the courts of the state of Delaware, in the United States of America.


Intellectual property:

  • Copyright: All content on the Platform, including images, texts and logos, is protected by copyright.
  • License of Use: Users are permitted to access and use the Platform only for personal and non-commercial purposes such as requesting the opening of a store to sell their products.


Privacy and Data Protection:

  • Privacy Policy: We detail how users' personal data is collected, stored and processed.
  • Cookies: We explain the use of cookies on the Platform and how users can manage their preferences.


Limitation of Liability:

  • Disclaimer of Warranties: The Platform is provided “as is” and there are no express or implied warranties.
  • Liability for Damages: We limit our liability for direct, indirect or incidental damages.


Termination and Suspension:

  • Account Suspension: We describe the circumstances in which we may suspend or terminate a user's account as described in our Privacy Policy.
  • Prior Notification: We inform that users will be notified before any suspension or termination as described in our Privacy Policy.


Changes to Terms:

  • Notification of Changes: We will attempt to notify users of any changes to the Terms.
  • Continuous Acceptance: We clarify that continued use of the Platform after changes to the Terms constitutes acceptance.


If you have more questions about this, please consult our Help and Support Center for more details and/or consult our Legal Center for more other policies.


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Thank you for reading our Integrity and Anti-Corruption Policy, a firm commitment by Session.Imports HIZ to maintain the highest standards of integrity in all of our operations and business practices. We tirelessly seek to combat corruption in all its manifestations, ensuring a transparent, equitable and ethical work environment.



This Anti-Corruption Policy’s main objective is to establish standards of transparency, ethics and integrity. We strongly repudiate any form of corrupt conduct, whether bribery, omission of information, fraud, concessions, embezzlement or any other acts of this nature, as provided for by United States law.


This document was last modified on: 08/04/24


General Guidelines:

We repudiate and do not tolerate any form of corruption, without distinction between acts of a public or private, national or foreign nature, in strict compliance with United States legislation.



All employees, suppliers, partners and other entities linked to Session.Imports HIZ must fully respect and adhere to the guidelines outlined in this document.


Reporting Channel:

We have established a reporting channel to allow anyone to report suspected corrupt activities, ensuring anonymity if desired. The Channel can be accessed by here Report-SI.


Training program:

New employees will undergo comprehensive training on this policy as an integral part of their onboarding process. Additionally, they must adapt to any subsequent updates.


Periodic Policy Review:

We commit to reviewing this policy regularly, updating it as necessary to reflect any changes in applicable laws or regulations.


Consequences for Violations:

Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. In the case of violations involving illegal activities, the company may be required to report the violation to the competent authorities.


Relations with Third Parties:

All third parties that maintain business relationships with Session.Imports HIZ must adhere to this policy or something similar, committing to cultivating a transparent, fair and ethical work environment. The company reserves the right to terminate business relationships with any third party that violates these practices if necessary.


Top Management Commitment:

Session.Imports HIZ's senior management is dedicated to maintaining a corruption-free business environment. This dedication will be demonstrated through their actions and decisions, and the same commitment is expected from all employees and third parties associated with the company.


If you have more questions about this, please consult our Help and Support Center for more details and/or consult our Legal Center for more other policies.


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This Acceptable Use Policy sets out the rules and guidelines for the use of our website and services. By using our website and services, you agree to be bound by the terms of this policy. We ask that you read carefully and follow the guidelines established here.



By using our website and services, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Acceptable Use Policy.


This document was last modified on: 07/02/24


Acceptable use:

You must use our website and services only for lawful purposes. You must not use our website or services in a way that violates any local, state, national or international law.


Prohibited content:

You must not use our website to post or transmit any unlawful, offensive, threatening, defamatory, obscene or otherwise unacceptable content.


Prohibited activities:

You must not use our website to carry out any activity that is illegal or infringes the rights of any third party.


Policy Violation:

If we discover that you have violated any term of this Acceptable Use Policy, we may take steps to prevent the violation, including, but not limited to, suspending or terminating your access to our website and our services.


Policy changes:

We may change this Acceptable Use Policy at any time by posting a new version on our website. You should check this page regularly to ensure you are aware of any changes.


If you have more questions about this, please consult our Help and Support Center for more details and/or consult our Legal Center for more other policies.


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This Security Policy is designed to inform you about how we collect, use and protect your information when you visit our website and make purchases from us. We ask that you read this policy carefully to understand our practices regarding your information and how we treat it.



This document has an organizational function within the Session.Imports HIZ Company, responsible for defining, listing and highlighting the main organizational issues within the employee corporation, as well as the Company's commitment to its employees.


This document was last modified on: 18/03/24


The Company and Security Policy:

The instructions listed in this document must be strictly followed by the entire corporate group of employees and team members of the company, as well as partners and other service providers for the organization.


SSL encryption:

We use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology to ensure the security of information transmitted between our web server and the visitor's browser.



We use security systems called firewalls to monitor and control network traffic based on predetermined security rules.


Network Monitoring:

We constantly monitor networks to detect any suspicious activity that may indicate a security breach.


Using Secure Passwords:

We encourage the use of strong, unique passwords for each account to help protect user information.


Content Security Policy (CSP):

We use Content Security Policy (CSP) as an additional layer of security to help detect and mitigate certain types of attacks, including Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks.


If you have more questions about this, please consult our Help and Support Center for more details and/or consult our Legal Center for more other policies.


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Our ‘Comments Policy’ was created to ensure that interaction between users is constructive and beneficial to everyone. We ask that you read and follow these guidelines to maintain a positive and inclusive online environment.



At Session.Imports HIZ, we value and respect the opinions of our customers. Your comments and ratings help us improve our products and services and help other customers make informed purchasing decisions.


This document was last modified on: 25/02/24



All comments and reviews published on our website must be authentic and reflect the customer's actual experience with the product or service. False or misleading comments will be removed. We ask that you share your honest experience, whether positive or negative.



Comments and reviews must be relevant to the product or service they are reviewing. Comments that are not related to the product or service, or that include personal information, will be removed.



We respect the right of all our customers to express their opinions. However, we will not tolerate offensive, abusive or discriminatory language in our comments and reviews. Comments that violate this rule will be removed.



We do not encourage or reward our customers for leaving positive reviews. Likewise, we do not allow our customers to post negative content about our competitors to manipulate their rankings.


Right of reply:

We reserve the right to respond to customer comments and reviews to clarify misunderstandings or resolve problems. Our goal is to provide good customer service and resolve any issues that may arise.



All comments and reviews go through a moderation process to ensure they comply with these guidelines. We reserve the right to edit or remove comments and reviews that do not comply with these guidelines.


If you have more questions about this, please consult our Help and Support Center for more details and/or consult our Legal Center for more other policies.


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Anteção: Este esta logistica é séria, e não deve ser constrúida de qualquer forma, ela representa a forma como vamos
lidar com devoluções e tudo sobre.

Prepare este documento quando tudo estiver pronto para começar a adicionar produtos, trabalhar na precificação dentre
outros detalhes sobre logisticas da Si.



Anteção: Avisos Legais são um tipo de documento de Declaração de Exigências por parte da Empresa, basicamente
este documento serve para que a Empresa possa fazer comentários liegados as suas normas para o controle de suas
funções, merece ser trabalhado corretamente com toda as suas Exigências que puder ter.

Prepare este documento quando tudo estiver pronto para começar a adicionar produtos, trabalhar na precificação dentre
outros detalhes sobre logisticas da Si.

Access our

Help Center and Support

If you still have questions, access our FAQ to find out more about SI

Don’t waste any more time!

Subscribe to our newsletter and stay up to date with the hottest news from SI! Be sure to be one of the first to take advantage of opportunities when they are announced! At SI, we will host incredible events! Don't miss the opportunity and always stay connected!

#From SI 1/5 Discover the Super Offers, Products and Prices that are really worth it! Hurry before they run out!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀#From SI 2/5 Discover the Super Offers, Products and Prices that are really worth it! Hurry before they run out!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀#From SI 3/5 Discover the Super Offers, Products and Prices that are really worth it! Hurry before they run out!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀#From SI 4/5 Discover the Super Offers, Products and Prices that are really worth it! Hurry before they run out!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀#From SI 5/5 Discover the Super Offers, Products and Prices that are really worth it! Hurry before they run out!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


Website Terms, Policies and Conditions

Logo SI

Welcome to our SI Legal Center.

Here we consolidate all essential legal information to ensure a transparent and safe experience for you.

Be guided by our other Policies





Welcome to our e-commerce website. We respect your privacy and are committed to protecting your personal data. This Cookies Policy explains how we use cookies and similar technologies to recognize you when you visit our website. It explains what these technologies are and why we use them, as well as your rights to control our use of them.


By using our website, you accept the use of cookies in accordance with this Cookies Policy. If you do not agree with the use of cookies in this way, you should adjust your browser settings to refuse cookies or not use our website. Disabling the cookies we use may impact your user experience when visiting our website.



This document is intended to establish some parameters for data processing that include, not exhaustively, the reception, transmission, sharing, storage, access, communication, modification or transfer of the information collected from our USERS, in addition to recording any and all activity carried out within the platform, in accordance with applicable legislation.


The USER gives his free and express agreement to this instrument by accepting this COOKIES POLICY and the PRIVACY POLICY..


This document was last modified on: 26/04/24



  • Cookies: These are text files created by the website and stored on the device that accesses the platform (notebooks, tablets, smartphones, etc.). When the “permission” condition is enabled, the storage of cookies will occur automatically. These small data packets aim to identify and collect the USER’s information to improve the services of our website.
  • Data: Set of anonymous (or anonymized) and personal information.
  • Anonymized Data: Isolated information that does not allow the identification of the USER. They include the collection of gender, location, age, etc.
  • Personal Data: Information of the natural person identified through the system.


Use of Cookies:

We use cookies to improve the user experience and the quality of our website. Some cookies are necessary for the website to function properly. Other cookies are used to collect information about how visitors use the site.


Control of Cookies:

Most browsers allow you to control cookies through the browser settings. However, if you limit the ability of websites to set cookies, this may worsen your overall user experience.


Changes to our Cookies Policy:

We may update our Cookies Policy from time to time. Therefore, we recommend that you review this policy regularly.


If you have more questions about this, please consult our Help and Support Center for more details and/or consult our Legal Center for more other policies.


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Welcome to our Terms of Use. Before you start using our services, it is important that you read and understand our Terms of Use. This document sets out the rules and conditions that govern the use of our services, including their obligations and responsibilities as a user.


By using our services, you agree to these Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy. If you do not agree to these terms, please do not use our services.



These Terms of Use ("Terms") govern the use of our online retail platform ("Platform") by you, the user. By accessing and using our Platform, you agree to these Terms. Make sure you read them carefully.


This document was last modified on: 26/04/24



  • Platform: Our online retail website.
  • User: You, the customer who uses our Platform.
  • Seller: The intermediary who acts between suppliers and customers on the Platform.


User Responsibilities:

  • You must provide accurate information when registering on the Platform. Keep your access credentials secure and do not share them with third parties.
  • Proper Use: Use the Platform in accordance with applicable laws and do not violate the rights of third parties.
  • Communication: Stay up to date on the status of orders and respond promptly to Platform communications.


Seller Responsibilities:

  • Customer Service: The Seller is responsible for the entire customer service chain when available.
  • Reverse Logistics: In case of exchange or return of the product, the Seller must provide reverse logistics, if all the conditions of our Return Policy are met.


Payments and Prices:

  • Payment by the Customer: The Customer makes the payment to the Platform.
  • Receipt of Value: The Platform receives the value and sends the order to the Supplier.


Consumer rights:

  • Right of Repentance: The Customer has the right to return the product within 7 days of purchase if it meets the requirements described in our Return Policy.
  • Clear Information: The Platform will provide clear information about taxes, additional fees and possible delays due to customs clearance, among other information in our Return Policy.


General Provisions:

  • Applicable Law: These Terms are governed by the laws of the United States of America.
  • Jurisdiction: Any dispute relating to these Terms will be settled in the courts of the state of Delaware, in the United States of America.


Intellectual property:

  • Copyright: All content on the Platform, including images, texts and logos, is protected by copyright.
  • License of Use: Users are permitted to access and use the Platform only for personal and non-commercial purposes such as requesting the opening of a store to sell their products.


Privacy and Data Protection:

  • Privacy Policy: We detail how users' personal data is collected, stored and processed.
  • Cookies: We explain the use of cookies on the Platform and how users can manage their preferences.


Limitation of Liability:

  • Disclaimer of Warranties: The Platform is provided “as is” and there are no express or implied warranties.
  • Liability for Damages: We limit our liability for direct, indirect or incidental damages.


Termination and Suspension:

  • Account Suspension: We describe the circumstances in which we may suspend or terminate a user's account as described in our Privacy Policy.
  • Prior Notification: We inform that users will be notified before any suspension or termination as described in our Privacy Policy.


Changes to Terms:

  • Notification of Changes: We will attempt to notify users of any changes to the Terms.
  • Continuous Acceptance: We clarify that continued use of the Platform after changes to the Terms constitutes acceptance.


If you have more questions about this, please consult our Help and Support Center for more details and/or consult our Legal Center for more other policies.


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Thank you for reading our Integrity and Anti-Corruption Policy, a firm commitment by Session.Imports HIZ to maintain the highest standards of integrity in all of our operations and business practices. We tirelessly seek to combat corruption in all its manifestations, ensuring a transparent, equitable and ethical work environment.



This Anti-Corruption Policy’s main objective is to establish standards of transparency, ethics and integrity. We strongly repudiate any form of corrupt conduct, whether bribery, omission of information, fraud, concessions, embezzlement or any other acts of this nature, as provided for by United States law.


This document was last modified on: 08/04/24


General Guidelines:

We repudiate and do not tolerate any form of corruption, without distinction between acts of a public or private, national or foreign nature, in strict compliance with United States legislation.



All employees, suppliers, partners and other entities linked to Session.Imports HIZ must fully respect and adhere to the guidelines outlined in this document.


Reporting Channel:

We have established a reporting channel to allow anyone to report suspected corrupt activities, ensuring anonymity if desired. The Channel can be accessed by here Report-SI.


Training program:

New employees will undergo comprehensive training on this policy as an integral part of their onboarding process. Additionally, they must adapt to any subsequent updates.


Periodic Policy Review:

We commit to reviewing this policy regularly, updating it as necessary to reflect any changes in applicable laws or regulations.


Consequences for Violations:

Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal. In the case of violations involving illegal activities, the company may be required to report the violation to the competent authorities.


Relations with Third Parties:

All third parties that maintain business relationships with Session.Imports HIZ must adhere to this policy or something similar, committing to cultivating a transparent, fair and ethical work environment. The company reserves the right to terminate business relationships with any third party that violates these practices if necessary.


Top Management Commitment:

Session.Imports HIZ's senior management is dedicated to maintaining a corruption-free business environment. This dedication will be demonstrated through their actions and decisions, and the same commitment is expected from all employees and third parties associated with the company.


If you have more questions about this, please consult our Help and Support Center for more details and/or consult our Legal Center for more other policies.


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This Acceptable Use Policy sets out the rules and guidelines for the use of our website and services. By using our website and services, you agree to be bound by the terms of this policy. We ask that you read carefully and follow the guidelines established here.



By using our website and services, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Acceptable Use Policy.


This document was last modified on: 07/02/24


Acceptable use:

You must use our website and services only for lawful purposes. You must not use our website or services in a way that violates any local, state, national or international law.


Prohibited content:

You must not use our website to post or transmit any unlawful, offensive, threatening, defamatory, obscene or otherwise unacceptable content.


Prohibited activities:

You must not use our website to carry out any activity that is illegal or infringes the rights of any third party.


Policy Violation:

If we discover that you have violated any term of this Acceptable Use Policy, we may take steps to prevent the violation, including, but not limited to, suspending or terminating your access to our website and our services.


Policy changes:

We may change this Acceptable Use Policy at any time by posting a new version on our website. You should check this page regularly to ensure you are aware of any changes.


If you have more questions about this, please consult our Help and Support Center for more details and/or consult our Legal Center for more other policies.


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This Security Policy is designed to inform you about how we collect, use and protect your information when you visit our website and make purchases from us. We ask that you read this policy carefully to understand our practices regarding your information and how we treat it.



This document has an organizational function within the Session.Imports HIZ Company, responsible for defining, listing and highlighting the main organizational issues within the employee corporation, as well as the Company's commitment to its employees.


This document was last modified on: 18/03/24


The Company and Security Policy:

The instructions listed in this document must be strictly followed by the entire corporate group of employees and team members of the company, as well as partners and other service providers for the organization.


SSL encryption:

We use SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology to ensure the security of information transmitted between our web server and the visitor's browser.



We use security systems called firewalls to monitor and control network traffic based on predetermined security rules.


Network Monitoring:

We constantly monitor networks to detect any suspicious activity that may indicate a security breach.


Using Secure Passwords:

We encourage the use of strong, unique passwords for each account to help protect user information.


Content Security Policy (CSP):

We use Content Security Policy (CSP) as an additional layer of security to help detect and mitigate certain types of attacks, including Cross Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks.


If you have more questions about this, please consult our Help and Support Center for more details and/or consult our Legal Center for more other policies.


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Our ‘Comments Policy’ was created to ensure that interaction between users is constructive and beneficial to everyone. We ask that you read and follow these guidelines to maintain a positive and inclusive online environment.



At Session.Imports HIZ, we value and respect the opinions of our customers. Your comments and ratings help us improve our products and services and help other customers make informed purchasing decisions.


This document was last modified on: 25/02/24



All comments and reviews published on our website must be authentic and reflect the customer's actual experience with the product or service. False or misleading comments will be removed. We ask that you share your honest experience, whether positive or negative.



Comments and reviews must be relevant to the product or service they are reviewing. Comments that are not related to the product or service, or that include personal information, will be removed.



We respect the right of all our customers to express their opinions. However, we will not tolerate offensive, abusive or discriminatory language in our comments and reviews. Comments that violate this rule will be removed.



We do not encourage or reward our customers for leaving positive reviews. Likewise, we do not allow our customers to post negative content about our competitors to manipulate their rankings.


Right of reply:

We reserve the right to respond to customer comments and reviews to clarify misunderstandings or resolve problems. Our goal is to provide good customer service and resolve any issues that may arise.



All comments and reviews go through a moderation process to ensure they comply with these guidelines. We reserve the right to edit or remove comments and reviews that do not comply with these guidelines.


If you have more questions about this, please consult our Help and Support Center for more details and/or consult our Legal Center for more other policies.


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Anteção: Este esta logistica é séria, e não deve ser constrúida de qualquer forma, ela representa a forma como vamos
lidar com devoluções e tudo sobre.

Prepare este documento quando tudo estiver pronto para começar a adicionar produtos, trabalhar na precificação dentre
outros detalhes sobre logisticas da Si.



Anteção: Avisos Legais são um tipo de documento de Declaração de Exigências por parte da Empresa, basicamente
este documento serve para que a Empresa possa fazer comentários liegados as suas normas para o controle de suas
funções, merece ser trabalhado corretamente com toda as suas Exigências que puder ter.

Prepare este documento quando tudo estiver pronto para começar a adicionar produtos, trabalhar na precificação dentre
outros detalhes sobre logisticas da Si.

Access our Help Center and Support

If you still have questions, access our FAQ to find out more about SI

SI's recommendations

Explore the products we recommend for you

Affordable prices

Only at SI can you find incredible values

Shipping nationwide

Free shipping on many products

Secure Payment

This is a safe website that is held by Security.

Imported products

We import products from all over the world

Customer support

You can contact us via Email and Form

Currency Selector

Welcome to the Multilingual Selector by SI. This tool allows you to easily change the currency and other settings according to your preferences. Explore our options to customize your experience.

Only in the USA

The Session.Imports HIZ currently operates exclusively in the USA. Unfortunately, we do not process orders for other countries at this time. Please wait until SI becomes available in your region.

Welcome to the Multilingual Selector by SI. This tool allows you to easily change the currency and other settings according to your preferences. Explore our options to customize your experience.

Import to

Only in the USA

The Session.Imports HIZ currently operates exclusively in the USA.
Unfortunately, we do not process orders for other countries at this time.
Please wait until SI becomes available in your region.

SI Copilot Guide

Welcome to the SI Copilot Guide. This guide was created to help you navigate our platform and make the most of your shopping experience, quickly and anywhere. Check what can help you. Position the C-Mouse to Pause